Sunday, December 27, 2009


Oh my god. I hate this. Soooooo much.

BM now wants the kids on Wednesday too. Fuck that. She's only doing this because she wants more child support because she's broke as fuck and can't pay her rent (sorry for the f-bombs, but I am pissed). So now she will have them on Wednesday and Thursday nights. What a nightmare. They are going to fall behind in school, be with a totally irresponsible parent 40% of the time and WE have to pay her more. What a frickin' joke.

I'm so angry and there is absolutely NOTHING that I can do about it. NOTHING. I feel hopeless and helpless. I'm angry at the husband for his shitty choices. He's angry with me for bashing him about his past. But seriously, he did some stupid things. Really really stupid. And we pay for them now. We'd have 100% custody of them right now if it weren't for his errors. Right before they got divorced, she physically assaulted him. He didn't report it. IF he had, she would have a record and we'd be able to get custody (or at least be safe from her deciding that she wants an extra day).

I don't know what to do. She's a snake who just wants more money. But guess what? SD12 is getting braces... and now that BM wants 40% custody, she gets to pay for 40% of them. Pretty soon SD10 and SS7 will need them too. She won't be getting child support, she'll have to pay US and her entire plan with backfire. Then summer will come around and we'll need to arrange for summer camps. So much for trying to get money out of us. Try getting a college education or a second job instead. That's what the rest of us do when we need money. She's such a fucking loser.

I am so stuck.

1 comment:

  1. I totally know where you are coming from. We have been doing 50/50 but BM refuses to sign off on court papers because she knows she will get less child support. The courts are making them do a 90 day trial on the 50/50 and if she still won't sign it will go in front of a judge. She'll never sign. Hopefully the judge will just make it as the kids have requested. How does your BM just "get" Wednesday now? Why did your hubby agree to it? She refuses to pay for 1/2 of braces, won't buy them clothes or anything they need, and she gets child support AND alimony! We found out today that she's been lying about her pay and she's making more than she said...which means that she is actually taking home more money with her job + fiance's child support and alimony that I take home at the end of the month from working my ass off at a good paying job. It BURNS me up that these BMs can be such losers. The only thing that makes me feel better is that eventually she won't get a dime and at that point she will be so screwed. I get so mad about money when I'm buying HER kids clothes because she tells them she has no money...but she acts like I'm the useless one.
