Monday, November 16, 2009

Dear Ex Wife from the Step Family Letter Project

No, I didn't write this - but I feel very much like that sometimes.

Things are good for the moment - which means that I haven't seen BM in a while. She didn't show at any of the kids' soccer games this weekend. Not having to see her makes things easier. Having to remember that she exists hurts my head sometimes. Mostly because I know that she will continue to get credit for how great the kids are, despite not being all that involved. It's just easier to not think about her at all...

But there's a Catch-22 with that type of thinking. She IS around. She IS their mother. And I have to find a way to deal with it. *sigh* Much more challenging that I ever thought.


  1. That's my letter :) I'm glad you found some comfort in feeling the same way as another one of us in the same situation, but I feel bad that you are feeling the same way. People always act like the kids are the hardest part of being a stepmom, but it turns out that the ex-wife is the real source of tension. Hang in there, and keep up your blog!

  2. Congratulations on starting your own blog. I'm here from Stepchicks. I have a blog that I started about six months ago and it has helped me cope in so many ways. I'm an old hat at the SM gig, but I love reading newer stepmom's experiences, they are all so similar to what I felt years ago. I hope you can stop by. - Georgina

  3. Being a step-mom IS the hardest job in the world. And mostly because of the bio-mom. With 13 years of it under my belt and now grown step-children (age 18, 20, and 22) I thought it would get easier. It has not. I completely understand what you're going through. You're NOT alone!! Hugs!
